BCDP takes No Position on Ballot Question 2E*:

Rationale — The primary rationale for proponents of this move is because overall voter turnout is higher in even-year elections than odd-year, and their argument is that people who vote in even-year elections, but not in odd-year elections, would be more likely to participate in Council elections if 2E passes. About 90% of active registered voters in Boulder County cast votes in the Presidential year of 2020, compared with 47% of active registered voters in 2021, and 82% in our last mid-term election of 2018.

Opponents will point out that all registered voters get a ballot in the mail delivered to the address on their voter registration, so it’s likely that not voting in odd-year elections is a choice. They will also say moving local elections to even years will bury discussions on local issues beneath higher-profile races, like President or Governor, so local discussions won’t be as robust during even-year election cycles as they have been during odd-year cycles.

For more information on this ballot issue, go to: 2023 BCDP Ballot Measures Guide

*The BCDP Executive Committee did not reach a two thirds majority vote for, or against, this measure, and therefore takes no position.



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