BCDP Recommends No Position on PROPOSITION 122*:

Rationale from the CDP — The initiative would decriminalize the personal use and possession (for adults age 21 and older) of the following hallucinogenic/entheogenic plants and fungi, which are currently classified as Schedule I controlled substances under state law: dimethyltryptamine (DMT); ibogaine; mescaline (excluding peyote).  It also purports that these hallucinogens are natural medicine and could be helpful in treating mental health disorders.

While decriminalization of certain controlled substances would be consistent with the position to roll back the war on drugs, there is legitimate differences of opinion as to safety or whether it is really effective for medicinal purposes.  We anticipate different opinions from within the Democratic Party. A statewide party position in support could be used to hurt Democratic candidates running in certain seats, and therefore think it is best for individuals to decide for themselves.

*The State Central Committee of the CDP recommended no position on Proposition 122, and the Executive Committee of the BCDP voted to take the recommended position of the CDP.



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