BCDP Recommends YES in Support of AMENDMENT D*:

Rationale from the CDPThe Colorado Legislature split the current 18th Judicial into two districts in [HB20-1026]. The 23rd Judicial District will consist of Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln counties and Arapahoe County will remain in the 18th. The purpose of this was because (1) the size of JD 18 was large enough to create significant caseload and access to justice issues; and (2) communities of color in Arapahoe were not well represented under the old configuration. The bill is already law. But Amendment D, is a conforming amendment to the Colorado Constitution to address the residency of the existing judges, grand-father them in and give them an opportunity to establish residency in the new districts.

*The State Central Committee of the CDP recommended support of Amendment D, and the Executive Committee of the BCDP voted to take the recommended position of the CDP.



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