Caucus & Assembly/Convention 2024

** Boulder County Democratic Party Caucus & Assembly/Convention are In Person Again **

      Assembly/Convention Candidates 


  • Friday, February 16: Last Day to Change Party Affiliation or Voting Address
  • Tuesday March 5: Presidential Primary Election Day ~ mail-in ballot
  • Saturday, March 9, Boulder County Democratic Party Caucus
    Registration 11:30am; 12:30-4:30pm ~ in person
  • Saturday, March 23, Boulder County Democratic Party Assembly & Convention
    Registration 7:15am ~ in person, all day event
  • Multi-County State Legislative District Assemblies:
    CD2 Assembly & Convention: April 11, 6pm ~ online
    SD17 Assembly: April 10, 7pm ~ online
    HD19 & HD49 Assemblies: April 10, 6pm ~ online
  • Saturday, April 13, Time TBD: Colorado Democratic Party State Assembly & Convention ~ online

Assembly/Convention 2024 is In Person

This year's Boulder County Democratic Assembly & Convention will be held on March 23rd. More information will be emailed to the delegates elected at Caucus.

Caucus 2024 is In Person

This year's Caucus will be in person again. You can find your precinct number and location by visiting our Precinct Lookup tool (when info becomes available).

What will happen at the 2024 Caucus:

In 2024, Democratic Party Caucuses, across the state, will elect delegates to County Assembly based on a preference poll for the CU Regent-at-Large contest. Straw polls for other contests may also be held.

*If you want to vote for any of the county commissioner, District Attorney, state senator, or state rep candidates to get onto the Primary ballot, or be a delegate for the presidential candidate, you must get elected as a county delegate at your precinct caucus.*

How will Caucus work?

  • Precincts will meet at designated Supersites around Boulder County. You can learn your Supersite location via our Precinct lookup tool once the information is available.
  • At each Supersite, you will attend a larger meeting initially, where you will receive instructions about what will proceed, and possibly hear from candidates or their surrogates.
  • Following the large meeting, you will break up into the individual precinct caucus meetings where candidate threshold polls (do they have enough support to earn delegates), candidate preference polls (how many delegates they actually earn), delegate election (representation to County Assembly) will occur. Precinct Organizers will also be elected. These are volunteers are part of the Get Out the Vote process and are trained to run these caucus meetings, if elected as the Caucus Chair. 


  • When is my Caucus?
    Boulder County Caucuses are Saturday March 9th at 12:30pm. Registration opens at 11:30am. Please visit for your location.
  • Do we have a Primary in March and in June?
    Yes, the Presidential Primary will be March 5th. The main Primary is June 25. The Caucus and Assembly is the one process for candidates to be able to get onto the Primary ballot. If they don't get enough support at Assembly, or they don't participate in Assembly, they can also petition to be included on the ballot. The Presidential Primary determines which presidential candidates get delegates to the Democratic National Convention. Presidential candidate delegates are still elected at County Convention for the CD2 Convention and the State Convention.
  • By when do I have to register as a Democrat to attend Caucus?
    The deadline to register as a Democrat to participate in Caucus is February 16, 2024. If you haven't registered as a Democrat by that date, you will not be able to participate in Caucus. If you've moved, you can change your address to participate in your Caucus until that same date.
  • What's happening at the 2024 Caucus?
    Caucus is the most grassroots way to participate in the Democratic process. During the precinct caucus, attendees will elect delegates to attend the County Assembly and Convention on March 23. Precinct Organizers (also known as POs) will also be elected.
  • What is a Precinct Organizer and why should I become one?
    If you want to build Democratic grassroots power and ensure all voices are heard in your neighborhood, you should run to be a Precinct Organizer at Caucus! Precinct Organizers serve as the liaison between the party and precinct. In this role, you'll get to know your neighbors, help get out the vote, and become a member of the BoCo Dems Central Committee – the body that elects officers and makes critical decisions about the party in Boulder County. You will also be trained as a Caucus Chair to run these caucus meetings.
  • How do I check or change my Voter Registration?
    Please visit the Secretary of State website.
  • Where can I look at the Boulder County Democratic Party draft 2024 Platform?
  • Can 16- and 17-year olds participate in Caucus?
    While Coloradans must be 18 to vote in general elections, a state law allows 16- and 17-year-olds to participate in caucus. Boulder County youth must be registered to vote and affiliated as a Democrat by Feb. 10 to participate in the Boulder County Dems Caucus. According to 1-4-602(5): except that any registered elector who has attained the age of eighteen years during the twenty-two days immediately preceding the caucus or any registered elector who has become a naturalized citizen during the twenty-two days immediately preceding the caucus may be a delegate even though the elector has been affiliated with the political party for less than twenty-two days as shown in the statewide voter registration system.












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